What we believe...
"Pursue excellence one band member at a time”
The Band Directors and staff of the Greenville ISD Bands are committed to strive for excellence in everything we do. Students will be challenged to improve their musical, interpersonal, discipline, and teamwork skills continuously. Variety is the color of our bands. We embrace our diversity and focus our students towards the same common goal-fostering a true love of music. All students will be appropriately challenged based on their current level of ability and skill, and we will continue to raise the bar every time goals are reached and improvements have been made. Through dedicated practice and commitment to the band programs, students will learn that hard work and self-discipline release their true reward only when one refuses to quit.
Band Motto
You must give up giving up!
For yourself, for each other, for parents, and for teachers.
Stay focused and keep your goals in mind.
To reach beyond your limits and help others reach beyond theirs.
Not perfection! Just a personal commitment to doing your best every day.
You must give up giving up!
For yourself, for each other, for parents, and for teachers.
Stay focused and keep your goals in mind.
To reach beyond your limits and help others reach beyond theirs.
Not perfection! Just a personal commitment to doing your best every day.